Hill Audio


A prime supplier to the commercial and entertainment audio industries, Hill Audio delivers constant innovation and excellent product value.

From permanent installation to concert stages, from home studio to dance club, from fitness gymnasium to conference room – you name it, we have the gear to make it sound well. Treat yourself to some of the best pro audio equipment for your venue and application – for a better sound at better value.


A sound name

Hill Audio was in its current form launched in 2008 and defined itself from the outset as a brand to provide integration between the worlds of background and foreground music systems. The term “venue sound” was adopted for the wide scope of applications that the product range was supposed to cover. As such, our early efforts focused on general sound reinforcement electronics as well as specialty products for music zoning and multi-room applications.

Based on the vast audio heritage of our founders, reliable amplification workhorses like the SPA series (2008) were released and gained immediate popularity with installers and stage sound engineers alike.

With a strong sense for opportunities in distributed sound systems, soon the iconic ZPR-2630 zoning preamp (2008) and the MMX-4520 matrix mixer (2009) followed, leaving a lasting impression with integrators and contractors.

Extending the scope of applications, the FPX-5200 stereo installation mixer marked the entry into the then-booming club market in 2010.

With many other remarkable product releases in the early years, Hill Audio soon became a commonly seen appellation with installed sound systems and on stages as well as in studios, in a variety of countries.

A real designer and manufacturer

Ten years after our market entry, we are today offering a broad range of professional audio products for installation purposes, music performances, and recording applications.

We take specific pride in being an actual designer and manufacturer of our product, not just a brand trading products designed and made by subcontractors. This allows us to really listen to customers, implement feedback into product designs, understand what makes or breaks a product and conduct and control the manufacturing process meticulously.

Our today’s process starts with our UK product management team to conceive a product concept – mostly in an iterative process that combines their own vast experience, the commercial data from existing products and the feedback and inspiration provided daily by our valued customer base. From there, all design-work is carried out in-house, using the latest CAD and EDA tools. Moving on to production, we benefit from a fully deployed ERP system as well as from the flexibility of in-house component placement, inspection, assembly and testing. Using a 3-step inspection scheme that combines functional and parametric testing, applied to each and every unit we produce, we have confidence in what we deliver.

With all design data and parts’ supply under our own control, we strive to deliver a qualified after sales service and attain total customer satisfaction.

Driven by value

While we analyze our customer’s applications and demands thoroughly, apply the most suitable technologies to cater for it, deploy the latest engineering techniques and pay greatest effort to optimize our supply chain – it’s all driven by just one goal: to provide a product and service with outstanding value.

Hill Audio Products

Speakers Amplifiers & Pre-Amplifiers Mixers Signal Processors Monitor Controller & Media Player


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