Manger Audio presents the W06 high-tech sound transducer

Manger Audio presents the next generation of the star-shaped bending wave transducer, the W06. Over the years,

the trend-setting driver has been repeatedly improved in detail. With the W06, however, after an intensive

development and testing phase, as well as countless listening tests, a significant step forward has now been achieved.

The optimized motor now impresses with an impressive magnetic field strength of 1.48 Tesla. This results in an even

faster rise time. A new type of damping system in the center of the diaphragm sustainably reduces distortion between

400 and 1600 Hertz; two octaves in which the human ear is most sensitive.

The new W06 transducer offers:

– Innovative chassis design

– Geometrically optimized magnet system, over 10% higher field strength (compared to predecessor)

– Perfectly controlled diaphragm movement thanks to a new type of center damper

– Improved linearity

– Noticeably lower distortion values between 400 and 1600 Hertz

– Improved micro dynamics

– State-of-the-art manufacturing for maximum durability

All Manger loudspeakers have been delivered with the W06 transducer since the beginning of the year. Of course, all

Manger owners can have their loudspeakers upgraded. The Manger transducer upgrade costs €725.00 per driver plus

shipping costs.

Worldwide awards and recognition

Manger Audio loudspeakers regularly receive top-class awards. Renowned recording studios, universities and radio

stations trust in the precision and incorruptible neutrality of Manger loudspeakers. The University of Music and

Theatre in Munich, the Institute for Musicology at the University of Vienna and the State Opera in Baku are just a few


Cutting-edge technology made in Franconia

Manger Audio stands for the highest quality standards – true to the maxim “Precision in sound”. The sound

transducers are masterfully handcrafted in Mellrichstadt, Franconia, under clean room conditions. Each individual

chassis is precisely measured and subjected to rigorous tests before it is assembled. The manufacturing tolerances are

less than +/- 0.5 dB. Even 2 decibels are considered very good.

All loudspeaker models can be manufactured in all RAL colors, satin matt or high gloss, and also in high-quality real

wood veneers.

About Manger

Daniela Manger has been running the family business for more than 30 years in the second generation. Her father,

Josef W. Manger, who was passionate about technology and music, registered his first patent in 1968. The

foundation stone for an exciting and successful loudspeaker development was laid. Many renowned manufacturers

equipped their loudspeakers with the Manger transducer until Manger Audio decided at the end of the 1990s to only

produce exclusively for its own use. Manger Audio manufactures both active and passive loudspeakers and exports to

20 countries worldwide.